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How Spinal Kinetics Works - Step 2
The Spinal KineticsAug 6, 2024 6:00:00 AM2 min read

AI-Driven FDA Cleared Medical Radiology Technology: Redefining Care


In the ever-evolving landscape of medical technology, a groundbreaking advancement has emerged in the realm of spinal injury diagnostics. The introduction of AI-Driven Medical Radiology Technology, now FDA-cleared, marks a significant leap in how medical professionals diagnose and manage spinal ligament injuries. This technology is set to redefine standards in patient care, offering a new level of precision and reliability.

The Evolution of AI-Driven Medical Radiology Technology

For decades, the medical community has sought to refine diagnostic methods for spinal injuries. Traditionally, variability in diagnostics, such as MRI and inflammatory markers, presented challenges in consistently determining the extent of spinal support ligament injuries. However, with the advent of AI-assisted Medical Radiology Technology, we witness a significant shift from subjective assessments to a more objective and measurable approach.

Why Medical Radiology Technology Matters

Our medical radiology technology specializes in excessive motion testing, which means accurately measuring excessive motion among the spinal motion units and providing a clear view of the condition of non-disc spinal support ligaments. This method is recognized to determine key injuries that cause spinal instability, the amount of which is found in various guidelines, including impairment, surgical, and athletic return to play parameter guidelines, for its accuracy in determining abnormal motion and instability. The AI component of this testing stands out for its ability to deliver standardized, reliable results, which is essential in determining accurate diagnosis, so that the treating doctors can determine more effective treatment plans with a full understanding of their patients injuries.

Impact on Patients

The primary beneficiaries of this technology are patients. In the United States, a significant portion of spinal injury cases lack precise diagnosis, leading to suboptimal recovery. With our AI-Driven FDA Cleared Medical Radiology Technology, patients doctors can determine more accurately the severity and location of their patients injuries, enhancing the likelihood of effective treatment and recovery. This technology addresses a crucial gap in spinal injury diagnostics, previously reliant on less specific methods.

Beyond Patient Care

The benefits of AI-Driven FDA Cleared Medical Radiology Technology extend beyond patient diagnosis. For doctors, this technology offers a standardized, unbiased testing method, elevating their diagnostic capabilities and credibility. Legal professionals also find value in the objective nature of the tests, aiding in clearer case assessments and claim resolutions. Insurers benefit from the trustworthiness and professionalism of these tests, allowing for more reliable claim processing.

A Milestone in Medical Technology

The FDA clearance of technology that Spinal Kinetics uses represents a milestone in medical technology. This clearance not only validates the technology but also signifies a broader acceptance and potential standardization in the medical community.


AI-Driven FDA Cleared Medical Radiology Technology, is not just a new tool in spinal diagnostics; it is a paradigm shift in how spinal injuries are understood and diagnosed. It promises a future where patients receive accurate diagnoses, doctors enhance their results, and the overall medical community moves towards more precise and effective spinal injury management.