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The Spinal KineticsJul 17, 2024 5:00:00 PM2 min read

The Advantages of Unbiased Independent Excessive Motion Testing


When it comes to diagnosing non-disc spinal support ligament injuries, the importance of using an unbiased independent excessive motion testing service cannot be overstated. At Spinal Kinetics, our primary focus is on this type of testing, which is essential for identifying damage not visible through standard imaging techniques.

Enhanced Credibility and Reduced Scrutiny from Insurers

Having your excessive motion tests conducted by board-certified radiologists significantly boosts the credibility of your results. Insurers are becoming increasingly aware of practices where non-professionals use software to plot points for these tests. This can lead to inconsistencies and inaccuracies, raising scrutiny and skepticism from insurers. In contrast, an unbiased, independent read by a certified radiologist ensures that the findings are reliable and professional, reducing the likelihood of disputes with insurance companies.

Professionalism and Independence

In the medical field, independence in diagnostic processes is a cornerstone of professionalism. Just as a surgeon relies on a radiologist for imaging reads, excessive motion testing should be performed by specialists who are dedicated to this task. This separation of duties ensures that each professional can focus on their area of expertise, leading to more accurate and trustworthy results.

Enhanced Professional Image

Utilizing an unbiased, independent testing service enhances the overall professionalism of your practice. It demonstrates a commitment to accurate, reliable diagnostics, which in turn boosts your reputation among peers and patients alike. This perception of professionalism can lead to increased referrals, as other professionals are more likely to trust and refer to a practice that upholds high standards.

Improved Treatment Planning

The results of excessive motion testing are critical in shaping the treatment plan for spinal injuries. Whether you are providing adjustments, physical therapy, or other rehabilitation methods, the precision of the test results drives the effectiveness of your treatment. An unbiased read ensures that the injury is thoroughly understood and appropriately addressed, leading to better patient outcomes.

Specialization in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)

Non-disc spinal ligament injuries, particularly in the upper cervical region, play a significant role in mild traumatic brain injury cases. Accurate diagnosis and assessment of these injuries are crucial for effective treatment. Independent excessive motion testing provides the detailed insights needed for managing these complex conditions.


In conclusion, the benefits of using an unbiased independent excessive motion testing service are clear. It not only enhances the credibility and professionalism of your practice but also ensures accurate diagnostics and effective treatment planning. By relying on board-certified medical radiologists, you can provide the highest standard of care for your patients, leading to better outcomes and a stronger professional reputation. At Spinal Kinetics, we are dedicated to promoting these high standards and encourage all practices to adopt this approach for the benefit of their patients and the integrity of their diagnostics.