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Spinal KineticsMay 27, 2024 11:45:00 AM3 min read

Translating CRMA™ Reports and Excessive Motion Findings for Legal Clarity


In personal injury cases, the intersection of medical expertise and legal advocacy plays a critical role in ensuring justice and adequate compensation for the injured. A pivotal aspect of this collaboration is the ability of medical professionals to communicate complex medical findings to attorneys and insurers effectively. Specifically, the results of CRMA™ (Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis) report or an excessive motion test can significantly influence and indicate significant injury to the non-disc spinal support ligaments. They may require simple explanations combined with readily available references.

The Essence of Communication

Injury care leads doctors into a medical-legal realm that requires simple communications so that those who are trying to adjudicate benefits for the patient can do so with ease.  Remember, it is your medical/chiropractic/injury documentation that allows the patient access to any benefits they may be entitled to, and from there, it is up to the insurers, patients, and/or attorneys to sort out what the actual benefits will be. When engaging with attorneys, insurers, or other laypeople, the focus should not be on the technical aspects of CRMA™ reports or the intricacies of the test itself, they should be straightforward as to just what the results indicate. Similar to not emphasizing the MRI technology itself, but rather the critical findings it reveals, such as disc damage, the communication should center on the implications of the test results on the patient's condition. The key is to highlight the injury's severity and impact on the patient's life, not the test or the technology behind it.

For instance, when conveying the results to an attorney, it would be more impactful to state, "Mary has a major non-disc spinal support ligament injury that has produced so much spinal instability that it qualifies for a spinal fusion surgery in insurance-listed surgical guidelines," rather than focusing on the test's technical details, or stating that she has a 3.8 mm translation problem at C5-C6.  This approach shifts the conversation to the gravity of the injury and its potential repercussions, facilitating a better understanding and appreciation of the medical professional's findings.

Simplifying Complex Information

The art of simplification cannot be overstressed. Many attorneys may not possess a deep understanding of medical terminology or the anatomy involved in spinal injuries. Thus, explaining the findings and their significance in layman's terms is crucial. This approach not only ensures clarity but also empowers attorneys and insurers to make informed decisions regarding that patient's benefits.

For another example so you can gain even more clarity: "John Doe has sustained a lower back ligament injury, rendering them eligible for spinal fusion surgery. Additionally, they have complicated matters with a severe disc injury at the same level. Both conditions may necessitate surgery if we fail to stabilize the instability through conservative care procedures. At present, the individual struggles to perform basic tasks like mowing the lawn or tending to their yard due to the intense pain. Moreover, they experience difficulty driving for more than an hour at a stretch, as prolonged periods trigger debilitating back spasms."

The Power of X-rays in Diagnosis

There is no more powerful tool for determining the severity and location of a spinal ligament injury than digital x-rays.  The initial diagnosis of these injuries does not require any other kind of imaging, not DMX or any other kind of video fluro images, just simple, readily accessible digital x-rays.

X-rays play a foundational role offering the first glimpse into the potential derangements within the spine caused by the trauma, such as fractures that comes with damages to the bones and excessive motion that comes with the damage to the spinal support ligaments. The significance of these findings cannot be understated, as they form the basis for determining exactly what that patient needs in order to optimize thier recovery.

If asked by insurers or attorneys why you need x-rays or the CRMA™ report, the answer should be simple, "so that I can determine the severity and location of my patients injuries".  

Educating for Empowerment

The overarching objective is to provide clear and easily comprehensible education to insurers and attorneys. This facilitates a streamlined approach in navigating through extensive medical records, aiming to ascertain the extent and permanency of injuries, the impact on the individual's life, and their future requirements.


The ability to clearly and simply communicate the results of CRMA™ report and excessive motion tests to insurers and attorneys is a valuable skill for medical professionals involved in personal injury cases. By focusing on the implications of these findings and adopting a straightforward communication style, medical professionals can effectively collaborate with insurers or legal teams to make the benefits settlement process a much easier process for all.