CRMA™ - The Leading Spinal Instability Testing Tool.
With Our Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis, Spinal Ligament Damage Testing & Injury Analysis Just Got Simple.

Every 2-7 seconds, an auto, work or home injury occurs in the U.S leading to Spinal Instability.
Injured patients with spinal instability rely on you – and your expertise – to resolve their conditions. While the majority of these patients will likely have spinal injuries (which can be some of the most common, costly and debilitating injuries in the country), the limitations of MRI and traditional X-rays will not provide you with sufficient insight into the spinal support ligaments that hold your patient's spine in alignment. This can result in under-documentation of spinal ligament damage, application of improper treatment protocols, and ultimately a reduction in the quality of care provided to that patient.
However, with Spinal Kinetics utilization of FDA-cleared technology, you’ll be equipped with the evidence you need to ensure any recommended treatment protocols are fully guided by insight and precision.

What if you could possess a complete understanding of each spinal instability injury you encounter? With CRMA™, you now can.
Introducing CRMA™ (Computerized Radiographic Mensuration Analysis) report, the one-of-a-kind excessive motion spinal analysis from Spinal Kinetics.
Imagine being able to precisely identify the exact location and severity of spinal ligament damage & spinal instability injuries, illuminating what was once hidden. With a single analysis, you’ll transform into the ultimate spinal injury authority. The results are easy to understand, make treatment options more obvious and support your patients in receiving the full treatment benefits they’re entitled to.
Spinal Kinetics’ commitment isn’t just to accuracy and specifically pinpointing the injury... it’s to establishing you as THE personal injury health expert who cares most about your patient’s well being.
Ready to make evidence the cornerstone of your work?
Spinal Kinetics is For:

You are right. Traditional MRI was not designed to pick up significant spinal support ligament injuries. With CRMA you are no longer blind to these injuries and now have much broader treatment options.

Insurers, we believe that whenever possible, these tests should be performed in an unbiased manner, by 3rd party radiologists, using FDA-Cleared technology.

Up to 30% of your clients may have a life changing spinal support ligament injury that qualifies them for spinal fusion surgery. We don't think it is right for anyone to miss that.
Stands Alone In:
Order standard stress X-rays and send images to Spinal Kinetics through our secure online provider portal. Easy.
Zero. Nada. Zilch. There is no cost to providers. All analysis costs are billed to the case.

Aligned with YOUR Process:

Aligned with YOUR Process:
Yes, you can find the spinal condition that’s not found with any other test procedure.
Precise injury analysis just got simple.
Spinal Instability Testing F.A.Q
Learn more about how CRMA™ is the best tool for locating the root cause of spinal instability.
When the vertebral motion units move excessively it causes nerve interference and discomfort, leading to an array of symptoms which can include:
- Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Radicular Complaints
- Visual Disturbances
- Tinnitus
- Dizziness
- Post-Concussive Syndrome
- Neuropathy (weakness, numbness & paresthesia)
- Difficulty Sleeping Due To Pain
- Disturbed Concentration & Memory
- Lower Back Pain
- Pain Radiating Down The Leg
- Irritation of Herniated Discs
It is a sophisticated, AI-assisted, measurement of the excessive intersegmental motion in a patient’s spine. By measuring the amount of excessive translation and angular motion, you can determine the severity and location of your
patient’s non-disco ligamentous spinal injuries.
Our analysis measures excessive motion from C1-C7 and L1-S1. We do this by using FDA-cleared AI-assisted mensuration technology to evaluate stress view radiology, also commonly referred to as functional radiology or flexion/extension radiology. Our board-certified medical radiologists licensed in the state of the ordering provider can then conduct an extremely accurate analysis allowing doctors to better document and diagnose the spinal injuries their patients have suffered.
An excessive motion test is different from that of a general radiology report. While your local radiologist may mention whether there’s any intersegmental motion abnormality, there are no measurements, therefore it is not specific or objective. If you sent those same X-rays to 20 different radiologists, you’d likely get 20 different reports with varying levels of findings.
Providers digitally send us their DICOM images and receive a robust report with a lightning-fast 24-hour turnaround time. This analysis is currently the most reliable way to
determine your patient’s non-disc spinal ligament injuries. It is widely regarded by chiropractors, medical doctors,
physical therapists, attorneys, insurance carriers, and many other professionals who work hard to ensure the best outcomes and physical recoveries of spinal injury patients.